Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Tests and Study Guide
User manual:
The Reading and Writing section of the digital SAT is designed to test students on reading comprehension, rhetoric, and language use by having them engage with academic and literary texts. Skills on the Reading and Writing test can be split into the following four categories:
Information and Ideas: Use, locate, interpret, and evaluate information from various texts and infographics.
Craft and Structure: Determine the meaning of high-utility academic words and phrases in context, evaluate texts rhetorically, and make supportable connections between multiple related texts.
Expression of Ideas: Use revision skills and knowledge to improve the effectiveness of written expression to accomplish specified rhetorical goals.
Standard English Conventions: Use editing skills and knowledge to make texts conform to core conventions of Standard English sentence structure, usage, and punctuation. Reading & Writing passages are no longer than 150 words. Each passage has just one question accompanying it.
A greater variety of reading genres be represented. Along with the current SAT reading genres, the test will also include humanities, drama, and poetry excerpts.
Each of these categories is made up of a number of different skills, and all of those skills are covered in our digital SAT Reading and Writing course. As you work through the course, you’ll encounter each skill in turn, complete with articles to help you learn, as well as exercises to practice and test your knowledge.
Free Books:
- 10 computer-based SAT prep questions
Practice 1:
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