Digital SAT Test
What is the digital SAT?
College Board, the maker of the SAT, is introducing changes to both the content of the test and how the test is administered in order to better fit the needs of students and educators. Most notably, the test will transition from being taken with paper and pencil to being administered via a digital assessment platform accessed by computer.
While the transition to digital will bring a number of student-and educator-friendly changes, many important features of the SAT Suite will stay the same. The SAT Suite will continue to measure the knowledge and skills that students are learning in school and that matter most for college and career readiness. The digital SAT isn’t simply a digital version of the current paper and pencil test-it will be easier to take, more secure, and more relevant.
Which version of the SAT will I take?
The transition to the digital version of the SAT will occur gradually over the next two years:
Starting in March 2023, the digital SAT will be administered to all international students (students taking the test outside the United States or its territories).
So, if you’re planning to take the SAT in 2023, you should prepare for the digital SAT only if you’ll be taking the test internationally. If you plan to take the SAT in 2023 within the US, you should prepare for the paper and pencil test using Khan Academy’s Official SAT Practice.
If you’re planning to take the SAT in 2024 or later, regardless of location, you’re in the right place!
SAT Exam Sections:
There are 2 exams: Language (Reading & Writing) and math section.
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